The subsequent are articles that are either identified or associated with the letter "C."  To return to the Archives page, click here.   You may use "Edit/Find" to do a search on this page.  (Material constantly added.)


The Six Days of Creation

The Community Church Movement

Creation And Evolution:   Taking a Closer Look

Creation, Genesis One and Two

A Study of I Corinthians Chapter Seven

"But and if" in I Corinthians 7: 11

Christ, Prophet, Priest, and King

What is Calvinism?

Truth in Conflict

The Seven Churches

Starting a New Testament Local Church

The Bar Church of Christ

I Corinthians 11: 20-22, 33, 34, What Were They Doing?

Churches of Christ Today, Differences

God's Commandments - Some Accomplishments

"Consider," a Thought Provoking Study

I Corinthians 16: 1, 2, a Study

What does the "Doctrine of Christ" in 2 John 9-11 Mean?

I Timothy 5, Widows and Church Versus Individual Action

The Second Coming

What is the Church?

Congregational Cooperation

The Act of Confession

The Ten Commandments

The Inclusiveness of Christianity

The Exclusivity of Christianity

Sports and the Christian

The Imputation of Christ's Righteousness

The Church Jesus Built

Membership in the Local Church

Where did Cain Find Mrs. Cain?

The Truth about Capital Punishment

Ancient Christianity, a Trip Back in Time

The Local Church and its Autonomy

Have Miracles Ceased?

When was Cornelius Saved?

Earnestly Contend for the Faith

The Church, Why So Many Problems?

The Clergy

The Church Building

Columbine High School Carnage

Columbine, Who is to blame?

Christianity Magazine, a Closer Look

The Crucifixion

Imagine no Crucifixion

A Study of "in Christ"

Great Truths, Circumstances

A Forgotten Verse, I Corinthians 11: 19

Controversy, our Conduct

The Work of the Church

The Unbroken Links of Church

The Conscience

Who is a Christian?

Choirs, Solos, and Vocal Bands in Worship

Covering Sin (sermon outline study)

Know with Certainty

What Denominationalism Does to Christ

What about Christmas?

Study of Cults

The Concept Many Have of "Church"

Two Classes

The Old and New Covenants

Matthew 24 and Jesus' Coming

I Corinthians 14: 34, 35, An Exposition

The Oak Hills Church, a Model

Institutionalism and Church Supported Orphanages

I Corinthians 10: 13, a Promise

"Let The Church Be The Church!" - A Review

Bible Classes, Some Thoughts

Who Runs Local Churches?