"No trait of the primitive Christians was more remarkable than their profound reverence for the Scriptures and their diligent study of them. The word of God, dwelling in them richly and abounding, was their meditation all the day long. Those who could read never went abroad without taking some part of the Bible with them. The women, in their household labors, wore some portion of the sacred roll hanging about their necks; and the men made it the companion of their toil in the field and the workshop. Morning, noon and night they read it at their meals. By the recitals of the narratives of sacred history, by constant reading, by paraphrase, by commentary, and by sacred song, they taught the Scriptures diligently unto their children; talked of these heavenly themes when they sat in their house, when they walked by the way, when they laid themselves down, and when they rose up. One relates with great delight that he never sat at meal with Origen, A.D. 225, but one of the company read to the other. They never retired to rest without first reading the Bible. So diligent were they in this divine employment that prayers succeeded reading of the Word, and the reading of the Word to prayer" - Lyman Coleman (Ancient Christianity Exemplified, pg. 57).