The Bible and Fatherhood
Introduction: God told Adam and Eve, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth " (Gen. 1: 28, 3: 20). Most are aware that there is what appears to be an innate desire within the male to provide and to protect. This desire is fulfilled in marriage and fatherhood. It is regrettable that more young men are electing not to marry, but to attempt to satisfy base desires in some other way (fornication, Heb. 13: 4, cohabitation).
I. Man, the leader.
A. According to the Bible, the man was created in the image and "glory" of God (I Cor. 11: 7). Therefore, man needs to listen to God as to the role of man.
B. Man has the role of headship in matters of this life. Man is over the woman and the husband is the head of his wife (I Cor. 11: 3, Eph. 5: 22-24). Man is to take the lead in the matter of religion (I Tim. 2: 8-15, contrast verses 8 and 9).
11. Man in matters of domesticity.
A. God saw that it was not good that man be alone (Gen. 2: 18-20).
B. God made a special companion for man (Gen. 2: 21-23). A "she-man" (Hebrew, "woman") was made for man.
C. God instituted marriage for man and woman (Gen. 2: 24, 25, "cleave" is indicative of the commitment of marriage as opposed to cohabitation).
D. Man is the provider (Gen. 3: 19, I Tim. 5: 8, cp. Tit. 2: 5. The woman is seen as assisting but her primary responsibility is the running of the household, Prov. 31: 16, 24).
III. Man as husband and father.
A. Man is to leave father and mother and "cleave unto his wife" (Gen. 2: 24, Matt. 19: 5, 6).
B. The husband is to treat his wife in a certain way (Eph. 5: 25-31, I Pet. 3: 7).
C. There is more to fatherhood than just being responsible for conception. The father is presented in the scriptures as also the leader in the training of the children (Eph. 6: 4, 1, Prov. 4: 1-13).
a. The father should first exemplify a godly life (cp. 2 Cor. 3: 2).
b. The father should be an example regarding leadership and headship (Eph. 5: 22).
c. The father should be a disciplinarian (Eph. 6: 4, Prov. 13: 24).
d. The father should take a leadership role in teaching his children about God, the plan of salvation, the church, conviction and morals, and living the life of the Christian and general character development (cp. Deut. 6: 6-9).
Conclusion: Out of all the roles a man may play in life, the role of father is the most fulfilling and cherished. As one grows older, the thoughts involved in fatherhood are the most cherished.