Introduction: The expression "law of Moses" was used by Jesus (Lk. 24: 44). The Law of Moses was the ten commandment law God gave through Moses to Israel (Ex. 20, Deut. 5). What was Jesus' posture and relationship to the law?
I. Christ kept the law perfectly
A. Jesus was born and lived under the Law of Moses (Gal. 4: 4).
a. The law he kept sinlessly, then, was the Law of Moses (Heb. 4: 15).
b. The charges brought against Jesus of violating the law were false (Mk. 7: 2,3).
B. Not only did Jesus keep the law, he taught others to do so (Matt. 23: 3).
II. Christ condemned those who perverted the law
A. The Hebrew scriptures had many warnings against perverting or changing God's laws (Duet. 4: 2, cp. Rev. 22: 18, 19).
B. However, some arrogantly distorted the teaching of the law (Mk. 7: 10-13, Matt. 5).
a. Jesus' wrath was evoked in the presence of such false doctrine (Mk. 7, Matt. 23).
b. The only time we are told that Jesus became angry was in the setting of teaching which was contrary to the pure law of God (Mk. 3: 5).
III. Christ fulfilled the law
A. Not only did Jesus perfectly keep the law, he fulfilled it (Matt. 7: 17).
B. Paul wrote that Jesus was the end of the law (culmination, Rom. 10: 4).
a. Jesus was the substance of all the shadows and antitype of all the types of the law (Acts 3: 22, 23).
b. Jesus was such a complete sacrifice for sin that the one offering was sufficient for evermore (Heb. 9: 28, cp. 10: 1-4).
Conclusion: Concerning Christ and the law, there is a truth taught that many have overlooked. The truth is after Jesus fulfilled the law, he did away with the law (Matt. 5: 17, 18). Of course, the "same" moral laws are found in Jesus' Testament, but the law, as a system, was "nailed to his cross" (Col. 2: 14, Rom. 13, Jas. 2). Hence, if any seek justification by the law, "ye are fallen from grace," Paul said (Gal. 5: 4). The law came by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus (Jn. 1: 17).