A group of men (sometimes women) have evolved today which was absent, as such, in the First Century church, the clergy. The following material addresses preachers from the standpoint of the clergy and also men who who have truly dedicated their lives to the proclamation of the truth. To return to the Archives page, click here. You may use "Edit/Find" to do a search on this page. (Material constantly added.)
Book, Chapter, and Verse Preaching
The Located Preacher and his work
Why So Many Differences Among Preachers Today?
"Consider," a Thought Provoking Study
Preaching, a Medley of Matters
The Help Meet Known As "The Preacher's Wife"
The Training of Preachers, How Done
Issues, Why Many Are Not Universally Resolved
Greek, How Should a Knowledge of it be Viewed?
Things Required and not Required of Preachers
Doctrinal and Morality Matters
Matthew 18: 15-17, the Ploy of False Teachers
The Dogs and Swine, Holy and Pearls
Elders, their Work and Qualifications
"Set for the Defence of the Gospel"
Observations and Predictions of a Veteran Preacher
I Timothy 2: 8-15, an Exegesis
The Exclusivity of Christianity
The Days of Genesis 1 (by Ferrell Jenkins) - a Review
John the Baptist (good example of a preacher)
Hermeneutics, Handling Aright the Word