Theistic Evolution, Theory or Fact?


      Darwinian evolution has for too long gone unchallenged. While there are multitudinous views, there are two basic types of evolution. "There are two classes of evolutionists: organic and theistic," writes author Rita Ward. "The organic evolutionist is entirely materialistic, usually atheistic…The theistic evolutionist holds to similar ideals except that he believes in a god of some sort who created the original matter. Some theistic evolutionists believe God directed evolution while others believe He put the universe here, set up the natural laws, and then left nature to follow its course" (In the Beginning, pg. 5).

    Definition of terms. A common definition for theory is: "A proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact" (Random House College Dictionary, pg. 1362). Fact is defined as: "Something known to exist or to have happened…that which is known to have been true" (ibid., pg. 473).

     Theistic evolution implies the presence of God. Some have tried to harmonize "science" and the Bible by teaching theistic evolution, the "best" of both worlds approach. It has almost become religious to believe in and advocate theistic evolution. In fact, Christians who have been subjected to higher education are supposed to be theistic evolutionists, some think. Some compare theistic and organic evolution to strong profanity and "mild" euphemisms. It is permissible to use some euphemisms, even cute, society believes.

     God the Creator. Genesis chapters one and two unequivocally present God as the Creator. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth," the Bible says (Gen. 1: 1). Paul stated, "God that made the world and all things therein…" (Acts 17: 24). "Oh, but the theistic evolutionist believes God created the world," some would inject. Do they? I submit that both organic and theistic evolutionists reject the Genesis account of creation. Not only do both reject the Genesis account, but they reject the God who created all things (more later, see "Creation," accessed from Great Truths).

     Creation did not come about as a result of natural selection. Grass and fruit trees were created as mature, yielding seed (Gen. 1: 12). Fowl and whales were created as full grown, having the ability to produce after their kind (1: 21). Finally, God created man, "Male and female created he them" (1: 27). Notice, they were full grown when created. They were told to "multiply and replenish the earth…" (I: 27, 28). There is obviously no place for organic evolution (it just happened) in the Genesis account of creation. In addition, there is no place for theistic evolution (God simply supplied the forces and then allowed it all to happen through natural selection, etc.).

     We either believe the Genesis account or we do not! Darwinian evolution is a theory (hypothesis), but so is theistic evolution. The organic evolutionist seeks to establish Darwinianism by "science," but the theistic evolutionist must attempt to prove his position by "science" and the Bible. I do not mean to be blunt, however, the organic evolutionist possesses more consistent argumentation than does the theistic evolutionist. The theistic evolutionist is really a bigger fool than the Darwinian advocate. Nonetheless, both in reality deny the God of the Bible, one openly, the other by denying God as presented in the scriptures (Ps. 14: 1).