PowerPoint Sermons
The subsequent PowerPoint sermon presentations were designed and prepared with PowerPoint 2003. Effort went into the PowerPoint sermon design to make them as universal as possible. Therefore, the fonts, graphics, and visual effects are such that all who have PowerPoint should be able to use. The PowerPoint sermons are in PPT format for ease of use and duplication. I have also created them in PPT format so that some change can be made by the user (I do not authorize change that will distort the meaning and intended use of these PowerPoint sermons). I shall assume that all who approach this PowerPoint sermon section of Bible Truths already have a basic understanding of PowerPoint. However, I shall mention a few basic matters.
If you do not have PowerPoint software on your computer or a Microsoft PowerPoint viewer, you will need to go to the following site to download a free viewer ( PowerPoint Viewer ). This will enable you to see the PowerPoint sermons. To view and/or save the following PowerPoint sermons to your computer, simply scroll down the below alphabetically arranged list of subjects. When you click on a subject, you should be provided with an option to either "open" the PowerPoint sermon or "save" it (your operating system and software may present different results, depending on its version and age). In order to first check out a PowerPoint sermon, open the file and click through it (use your keyboard forward arrow or your mouse click). If you decide you want to save it, simply download it to the desired file or folder on your computer. These PowerPoint sermons contains "notes" where I deemed them good for explanation of points or use. You will probably have to save the file to your computer in order to be able to read these notes. I have worked toward keeping these PowerPoint sermon files small, around 200 KB.
PowerPoint sermons can certainly be abused and be made simple entertainment. These sermons attempt by design to avert such use and also promote audience participation by encouraging the use of their own Bibles. The effects are not dazzling and I have deliberately attempted to use visual effects that enhance and encourage memory retention. The provided "notes" are often sparse, forcing the user to study and be inventive. The following PowerPoint sermon addresses the matter of the use of visual effects, "Teaching and Visual Aids."
Should you have any questions, complaints, or words of encouragement, you may email me (contact Don Martin). I plan on building the PowerPoint sermon section of Bible Truths over time.
"Autonomy" (This sermon visually exemplifies the teaching of the New Testament relative to the matter of how each local church is designed to separately and independently function without any semblance of external super-structures).
"Acts, our History Book" (First Century Christianity is not presented in the New Testament as optional, but a model that must be duplicated today and which we must not alter. This material approaches Acts as our history book to be duplicated).
"Abraham, the Friend of God" (There are few men in the Bible to whom God gave special tribute and Abraham is one. This sermon asks and answer the question as to why Abraham was called, "The Friend of God").
"The Anti-Christ, Who is He?" (Many are presently interested in the anti-Christ, attempting to establish his identity and when he will come. This study looks at the Bible for answers.)
"The Apocalypse of John" (I developed this presentation in order to assist in the introduction of Revelation. It can also be generally used for review or to address some of the style and teaching of Revelation).
"Bible Authority, a Closer Look" (This is a two part, detailed study of a workable way of arriving at the teaching of the Bible).
"Church Attendance" (Many do not know how much importance to attach to the church and attendance. This material presents what God's word has to say on the subject of church attendance).
"Acts 2: 41, 42, a Response" (Acts 2 is a very important and pivotal chapter in the New Testament. This sermon focuses on the first response to the gospel being preached).
"Acts 20: 7, an Important Verse" (There are currently many attacks relative to the Lord's Supper. In fact, just about every deviate doctrine ever taught about the Lord's Supper is with us today and being zealously promoted. Along with presenting the truth, this material also examines some views being pressed today.)
"Authority, Practically Viewed" (Every preacher and elder educated in the scriptures realizes the need of stressing Bible authority. This material examines the subject on a more serious and practical nature. There is material for a series of two presentations).
"Arguments Against Baptism" (This study examines the rationale used to reject water baptism as being necessary to salvation).
"Are the Scriptures Authoritative?" (Authority is vital and this presentation seeks to establish beyond all doubt the fact of the scriptures constituting authority in matters religious).
"Acts 15: 36-39, Derived Lessons" (Acts 15: 36-39 contains a number of both positive and negative lessons. This sermon attempts to isolate and examine these lessons).
"Achan...Mutual Responsibility" (This study is at once a presentation of biblical unity, being our brother's keeper, and the nature of God).
"Heard from the Beginning" (This is a simple presentation that demonstrates the truth contained in I John 2: 7. Such subjects as the plan of salvation, the church, worship, etc. are addressed to show that we are to do precisely the same today in worship and doctrinal belief as was done as originally delivered by Spirit led men).
"Lessons from Babel" (This study emphasizes the vanity of the arrogance of man and stresses the need to accept God's guidance).
"Recipients of God's Blessings" (All want to be blessed by God and this study visually presents those in a position to enjoy God's blessings).
"Right to own Belief?" (Most of the religious world thinks that each sincere person has the actual right to believe what they desire as long as they "accept Jesus." This material explores this thinking).
"Scriptural Baptism" (This is a two part examination of what the scriptures teach about water baptism. I believe you will find it complete).
"The Book of Books" (In this presentation, the Bible as God's authoritative message to man is emphasized and reasons are provided as to the place of great importance the Bible occupies).
"The Book of Life" (This is a fascinating study of God's book of life. It reveals the reality, entrance, exclusion and other matters of God's book of life).
"Digging Down to Bedrock" (A lesson from architecture based on Jesus' teaching found in Luke 6: 47, 48. The presentation stresses the proper foundation).
"The Baptisms of the New Testament" (There is so much unnecessary confusion relative to what the New Testament teachers about baptism. This study attempts to definitively consider all the baptisms of the New Testament).
"Border Control" (Much focus is presently on border control and it is an important issue. However, spiritual border control pertaining to local churches is a major spiritual issue).
"Scriptural Baptism for the Remission of Sins" (This presentation is a detailed study of the water baptism seen in connection with Jesus' Great Commission. It is based on such verses as Acts 2: 38).
"Balaam" (A study of Balaam is both very practical and also challenging. From Balaam we not only glean many spiritual truths and are also provided a little insight into a world outside of the Jewish milieu).
"Whom Do You Believe, God or Man?" (This is a decisive study contrasting what man has religiously taught and what God has said in His word).
"A Working Brain" (Much of Jesus' teaching was designed to cause man to think. This study promotes the proper use of the brain).
"Baggage" (One reason many do not endure as Christians is due to the baggage or problems from their past that they bring with them).
"The Human Body" (There is the belief that man's body is irrelevant when in comes to service to God. This presentation shows how important the body actually is in Christianity. This material is designed to be presented in two parts).
"Bitterness, Avoidance" (There are many conditions concerning which the Christian can experience that can result in bitterness. This biblical presentation has the goal of identifying some of these conditions and events and then providing the means to avoid any possible bitterness).
"Breaking Bread" (In this study, we explore what the expression "breaking bread" means, noticing the various verses in which it occurs. This material is designed to be a two part presentation).
"Boldness in Day of Judgment" (The Great Judgment of all men is coming and we need to learn all we can about it to be prepared. In this sermon, we explore I John 4: 17, 18 in the matter of love casting out fear and the Judgment being a time of great anticipation for the faithful rather than a time of dread).
"Does Religion Make You Crazy?" (In rejecting service to God, many are reaping the wind. All sorts of mental aberrations are on the increase and yet many continue to think religion makes people crazy. This sermon shows how religion actually offers and produces many circumstances and stimuli that discourage and help avoid mental illness).
"Exposition of Colossians 1: 13" (Colossians 1: 13 is replete with many pertinent truths and this sermon provides a simple exegesis of Paul's teaching the saints at Colosse).
"Jesus is the Head over the Church" (This is an urgently needed presentation relative to Jesus, his church, and headship). The denominational world has already rejected Jesus' headship and, alas, Jesus' church is more and more seen performing collective conduct indicative of a lack of recognition of Jesus' headship).
"The Bible, Children, and Grandchildren" (The teaching of the Bible regarding children, parents, and grandparents is so important and this PowerPoint sermon seeks to visually convey some basic truths about the subject).
"The Glory of the Cross" (I personally love preaching on the cross of Jesus. The glory and power of the cross continues without equal).
"What Your Clothes Say" (This material addresses a much needed and apparently forgotten subject, the importance of proper attire and how various occasions suggest the need for certain dress).
"An Exegesis of I Corinthians 1: 10" (This PowerPoint sermon takes a serious look at Paul's teaching to the church at Corinth regarding their fragmented state and provides the remedy that continues to serve today for the answer to division).
"The Conscience, Biblically Viewed" (This is a two part study of what the Bible teaches relative to the conscience of man).
"How Should We View Christmas?" (Christmas can be an awkward time of year for the Christian who is seeking to avoid religiously observing man-made dates. This sermon attempts to help the Christian in such matters).
"Can One be Saved Outside the Church?" (Many believe salvation can be obtained and maintained outside of the church that Jesus built. This PowerPoint sermon attempts to definitively show that salvation cannot be biblically viewed as separate from Jesus' church).
"Overburdening the Church" (Religion has undergone many changes. The "church" today has fundamentally changed its essential role and has become such for which it was never designed. This study takes a look at how man has overburdened the local church with all manner of projects).
"What the Cross Means" (Never has there been a story comparable to the cross of Jesus. The object of this study is to show the practical and personal meaning of the cross).
"Reflections on Bible Classes" (The common Bible class arrangement characteristic of most local churches of Christ is a matter to which little thought is given today).
"A Chip on One's Shoulder" (This study attempts to identify various sensitivities and how one should respond to them. It is essentially a study of a personality disorder).
"Come as you are" (Many expressions and sayings are reflective of various beliefs and, "Come as you are" is no exception. While originally pertaining to casual dress, the philosophy has evolved to include much more).
"The Carnal Mind is not Subject to the Law of God" (This study examines Paul's statement in Romans 8: 7 regarding the carnal mind not being subject to God's law, especially from the perspective of the view of no accountability).
"The Limited Commission" (The Limited Commission of Luke 10 is often neglected in our studies due to the emphasis on the greater commission. This study is especially suited to a presentation followed by a presentation of the "Great Commission").
"The Great Commission" (The Great Commission is often ignored by the religious world. However, it contains many truths that merit close study. One cannot seriously consider biblical Christianity without a serious study of the Great Commission).
"What Avails in Christ" (This presentation examines Galatians 5: 6 and stresses the meaning and significance of being in Christ).
"Church Growth" (The growth of the local church is vitally important; however, there are many false concepts of growth. This presentation of two sermons presents the truth and contrasts it with some common errors.)
"What Were They Doing At Corinth?" (There is much misunderstanding as to what the Corinthians were doing in I Corinthians 11: 20-34. Some are misusing verse 33 to bind what they call simultaneous action in the Lord's Supper that makes the typical "second serving" sinful in their view. This material is urgent and opportune.)
"Jesus Shall Come in the Glory of His Father" (The second coming of Jesus is always a timely study. This is basically a study of Jesus' statement found in Matthew 16: 27).
"Why Lost In and Out of the Church" (This sermon does two things: It establishes that one must be in Christ or the church to be saved, and it also shows that just because one is in Christ does not mean they cannot fall from grace).
"Christianity Seen in Philippians" (Example is a powerful means to teach used by the Holy Spirit and certainly we have a good look at pristine Christianity in the book of Philippians. This material is intended to be a five part presentation).
"I Corinthians 16: 13, Analyzed" (Spiritual maturity is greatly absent today and this material attempts to effect such maturity).
"Whom the Lord Commendeth" (Man has a way of commending others and himself, but we must learn it is whom the Lord commends that matters).
"Church Government" (The government of the local church is of great importance and this presentation visually illustrates how the early local church carried out the work of preaching and when the need was present, benevolence for needy saints. Depending on the attendant circumstances and need, it can easily be a series of two).
"Church Cooperation" (One of the fastest ways to corrupt the nature of the church Jesus built is to unscripturally effect the working of local churches. "You do not believe in church cooperation," some charge. The truth is the New Testament does teach cooperation, but not the type advocated and practiced by man).
"Death, Biblically Viewed" (This is a detailed study of what the Bible teaches about death, the state of the soul, and the resurrection. There is material for two sermons).
"Set for the Defense of the Gospel" (This study provides an exegesis and correct application of Paul's statement in Philippians 1: 7 and 17. It discusses the requisite aggression characteristic of first century Christianity and that is too often absent today).
"Dogs and Swine, Holy and Pearls" (Jesus' teaching in Matthew 7: 6 seems to be mostly ignored today. This study examines the teaching and provides ways of identifying those to whom the gospel is not to be offered).
"The Authority for Denominationalism" (We are to possess a book, chapter, and verse for all that we religiously believe and practice, Col. 3: 17. Hence, some have sought to present Bible authority for many different churches teaching many different doctrines. This PowerPoint presentation considers some of the main advanced arguments in favor of denominationalism).
"Desire" (Desire is a basic and necessary emotion and experience of all functioning humans and this PowerPoint presentation examines the subject, both from the positive and the negative).
"The Lord's Day" (This material biblically examines the day that is special in this final dispensation and shows why it is of unique significance).
"Daniel, in the Lion's Den" (Daniel truly stands out in the Bible for various reasons. This slide presentation presents what the Bible says and why Daniel serves as a model today, especially a model for youth).
"Seven Ways to Disobey God" (While a negative approach, the object is to positively reinforce obedience to the gospel).
"Divorcement for the Kingdom's Sake" (The doctrine of multiple causes for divorce is predicated on a fallacious understanding of Luke 14: 26. This sermon presents the meaning of the verse and refutes the doctrine of multiple causes for divorce).
"The Effects of Denominationalism" (Many consider the system of many different churches, teaching conflicting doctrines as spiritually benign and innocent. However, this study reveals the real effects of denominationalism).
"When Does the Devil Tempt Us?" (Possessing knowledge of the enemy can be very helpful. In this spiritual application, knowing when the devil attempts to tempt us can be invaluable).
"The Problem of Evil and God" (Man has been troubled regarding how to reconcile evil and God. This PowerPoint presentation considers the issue from a biblical perspective and attempts to answer the pertinent questions. This is designed to be a two part presentation).
"Exposition of John 5: 28, 29" (This passages is of urgent interest and application. This presentation explores Jesus' teaching, both positively and negatively).
"Need Some Esteem" (Secular education has sought to instill self-esteem but often in the wrong way. This study presents esteem from a biblical perspective).
"Why Do People Err?" (This is an important question and the answer could make a difference in one being lost or saved. The study focuses on Matthew 22: 29).
"How to Determine a Conflicting State" (It is a known fact in the world that one's emotional state can be very influential in determining decisions, etc. Often emotions blind and override knowledge and facts. This study, moreover, attempts to present ways of determining out emotional state in matters religious to help us avoid bad decisions).
"When There Are no Elders" (It is God's will that each local church have elders. This PowerPoint explores some relevant matters when there are no elders and when elders do exist).
"Eternal Life" (It would be difficult to find a more lofty subject than eternal life. This presentation attempts to present the truth about this urgent subject).
"Bible Fellowship, an Overview" (This sermon contains some vital material on the subject of fellowship. It is a must and is simply designed for clear understanding. There is material for two sermons).
"The Fruit of the Spirit" (This is designed to be a two part study of the nine fruits of the Spirit as presented in Galatians 5: 22, 23).
"Thy Faith hath Saved Thee" (Many religious attempt to equate the circumstance of miracles and spiritual salvation. The doctrine of salvation by "faith only" has pervading just about every major religion. This sermon explores the role of faith and what kind of faith actually saves today).
"The Future" (Man continues to be pre-occupied with the future. This series of two examines the teaching of the Bible relative to the future.)
"Moral Law and Fornication" (This material explores what the Bible teaches about moral law and also fornication. This material constitutes a series of about six separate presentations).
"First a Willing Mind" (Attitude and desire are so important and go far in determining who and what we are. An application of 2 Corinthians 8: 11, 12 is made in this PowerPoint presentation).
"The Reality of God" (This presentation challenges the premise that there is no proof for the existence of God. The material, enough for two presentations, actually produces proof as to the reality of God. The presenter should take time to study each of the evidences and familiarize himself, both biblically and scientifically with the points).
"Are There Three in the Godhead?" (While there is profundity surrounding the Godhead or state of being God, there are many truths that can be biblically ascertained and understood, at least to varying degrees. This sermon attempts in a simple manner to demonstrate the fact of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as witnessed in different biblical events).
"Other Gods" (We tend to think of America as being free of rank idolatry. This material exemplifies the presence of idolatry on a large scale, even comprising much of the pseudo religions of our day).
"The Ten Lepers and Gratitude" (Gratitude is so often lacking today. This sermon examines the one healed leper who returned to give thanks).
"Giving, A Static Trait of God" (This material not only presents the fact of God's giving, but also shows how giving is part of the essential nature of God).
"A Consideration of Great Things" (This PowerPoint presentation examines what man considers "great" and then presents what is really great, according to the Bible).
"The Real and Only God" (This presentation is not so much apologetic in nature as it is simply presenting the God of the Bible in his splendor and essential nature).
"A Study of 'He Gave'" (This material takes a look at statements particularly concerning Jesus relative to him having given. It considers the circumstances, what he gave, and the attendant lessons involved in his giving).
"The Gospel and Behavior" (The gospel is very underrated and not fully presented as to its utility. This study examines the average thinking and presents what the scriptures teach as to the functionality of the gospel).
"Essential Grace" (This is a detailed study of biblical grace and is material designed to be presented in two presentations).
"What God Sees and Knows" (Man is constantly comparing and measuring God with himself, a serious mistake. This sermon shows how vastly superior God is to man and points out some things that God sees and, hence, knows).
"Giving" (The teaching of the New Testament is relatively simple when it comes to the subject of giving. However, the challenge resides in man responding to this simple command).
"The Bible and Gambling" (In view of the common occurrence of gambling today, many have relaxed their opposition and even accepted gambling or "gaming," as they call it. This presentation mentions one debate that I had with a well known preacher in churches of Christ).
"God's Grace has Appeared" (Titus 2: 11 declares the universal manifestation of God's grace and this series of two sermons attempts to address this wonderful news, providing biblical exegesis.)
"Green" (There is much emphasis today on "Green." So much so that there is now a "Green Movement" underway. This sermon presents some teaching of the Bible on "green").
"Such as I Have Give I Thee" (This sermon generally applies Peter's statement found in Acts 3: 6. Peter did not have money to give to the beggar, but what he did have was much more valuable. This material is designed to be presented in a series of two presentations).
"The Global Gospel" (The best news for man is found in the gospel. This sermon attempts to emphasize and explain the global nature of the Jerusalem gospel).
"The Gospel of Jesus" (There is no more a glorious study than that of the gospel of Jesus. This PowerPoint presentation considers the gospel of Jesus). There is material for a series of two sermons).
"Strain at Gnat, Swallow Camel" (Jesus' statement to the Jews, "Ye strain at a gnat and swallow a camel" is famous and in application, contains many rich lessons, cp. Matthew 23: 24).
"God and Man" (This is a simple contrast study of what the Bible says about God versus what the Bible teaches about man).
"Teaching about Hate" (To many, hate has no place in the life of the Christian. However, the Bible presents hate, qualified hate, as urgently essential. This sermon shows what must not be hated and the proper requisite expression of hate).
"Hell, Everlasting Punishment" (As Modernism increases, so does the denial of the teaching of the scriptures pertaining to Hell being an actual place and eternal punishment by fire characterizing it. The material looks especially at some teaching contrary to scripture that is spreading in some churches of Christ and attempts to identify the sources of this false teaching).
"Hezekiah, a Great King" (King Hezekiah, while not perfect, offers a wonderful example of many admirable traits. This presentation serves as a model consideration).
"Heaven, a Place of Reality" (While there is much false and shallow motivation used today, heaven is a substantive and biblical motivation).
"Be Not Ignorant of this One Thing" (In this sermon, the notion of just consider the whole and do not be concerned about particularity is exposed as being not only dangerous but untenable).
"Jesus' Invitation" (This presentation visually presents the famous invitation of Jesus residing in Matthew 11: 28-30. The sermon breaks down each section of the invitation and examines the meaning).
"I Must" (In this day of irresponsibility and the manifest lack of commitment, this study is challenging and attempts to cultivate the ability to form conviction).
"Issues, What to do with Them" (Every age has it own issues or troubling doctrinal concerns, often the same issues just differently presented. This presentation considers issues from the perspective of what action is dictated by the Bible).
"Interest" (Interest must be present on the part of those who either would be or are already saved. This study biblically presents interest and offers some motivation for maintaining interest).
"Individuality" (There are movements extant that take away from what the scriptures teach about individuality. This sermon consisting of three parts attempts to restore the truth in the minds of brethren and warn about such movements as the Guardian of Truth Foundation).
"John, the Gospel of Belief" (The Gospel of John is singular in its design, showing Jesus' nature and presenting reasons and the impetus for believing that He is truly the Son of God).
"An Exposition of Jeremiah 6: 13-17" (This PowerPoint presentation could also be titled, "A Call for Restoration," because this is the impetus of the examined test).
"The Brazen Serpent and Jesus" (Comparison and contrast is one effective way to teach and this study looks at a case of Jesus presenting a comparison between himself and the brazen serpent associated with Moses).
"Jesus Sent, Knew, Went, Took, Etc." (This material is ideally presently in four separate presentations. The design of the presentation is to present more knowledge about the person, nature, and purpose of Jesus, the Son of God).
"Jesus, the Son of God" (Many deny the Sonship of Jesus, even some among our brethren. This series presents the truth regarding what Jesus' Sonship really means).
"The Forsaken Jesus" (The Bible presents many aspects of Jesus, His Being, purpose, and experience on earth. This study examines a side or experience of Jesus that should draw us closer to Him).
"The Bible and Judging" (In this series of two presentations, the teaching of the Bible relative to judging is explored in some detail).
"Justification" (This series of at least three presentations attempts to present the great theme of Bible justification).
"John 8, Jesus and the Jews" (We can learn from Jesus' dialogue with the Jews and this sermon gathers truths from Jesus' dealings with the Jews in John chapter eight).
"Knocking on the Door" (Jesus and man both have a vital role to play in man's salvation and this presentation visually attempts to illustrate this biblical fact. The sermon centers around Jesus' teaching in Revelation 3: 20).
"The Holy Kiss" (I developed and used this PowerPoint presentation in an examination and study of Romans 16: 16, especially with a view to those who bind a literal kiss as the universal mode of greeting for all people, Christians, and ages. This study also addresses how the "holy kiss" is being used to promote something foreign to its original design).
"The Kingdom, Common and Uncommon Beliefs" (This study presents biblical facts regarding the Kingdom, contrasting truth and error).
"The Bible and Light" (This is a basic study calling on people's familiarity with light to consider spiritual light and its importance).
"Liberty, Biblically Considered" (Many are obsessed with the idea of liberty today. Spiritual liberty is wonderful and real but it continues to be perverted and misunderstood).
"A Look At 'Learn'" (This sermon attempts to dispel ignorance by stressing what the Bible teaches regarding the importance of learning.)
"The Lord's Supper, Transubstantiation" (It is sad that the very memorial that has as one effect the uniting of God's people is too often a source of error and division. This study examines on doctrinal difference regarding the Lord's Supper).
"The leaven of the Pharisees" (The Pharisees was one of the most encountered religious groups when it came to colliding with Jesus' teaching. Much of their essential nature is also seen today).
"A Study of 'Likewise" (The Holy Spirit used many words that are especially rich in the presentation of different truths and this study considers how He used "likewise").
"God's Marvelous Love" (God's love is unequalled and this sermon takes a look at why God's love is so marvelous. There is material for two sermons).
"Bible Love, Not Namby-pamby Sentimentality" (Teaching on Bible love is always needed, especially in view of all the false idea that are extant about love. This presentation is ideally designed for a series of two sermons.)
"Why was the Law Weak?" (This study investigates the truth found in Romans 8: 3 and attempts to illustrate why the Law of Moses was inefficacious).
"What Tough Love Requires" (Much teaching regarding Bible love is needed, especially in view of all the confusion and error commonly seen in the world, denominationalism, and even in the Lord's church).
"Love Not Wasted and Wasted" (It is my firm conviction that local preacher should have great emphasis on biblical love, both to apply and to explain it. This sermon addresses particularly the application of love).
"Luke 16: 19-31, Some Lessons" (Luke 16: 19-31 is a very spiritual affluent text when it comes to the soul and what happens after the soul departs from the body. There are also many attendant truths found in this passage).
"Bible Facts About Law" (In view of the many spurious ideas about what the Bible teaches about law, this study is a must).
"Human Life is Unique" (This PowerPoint presentation is designed to challenge the audience relative to the unique nature of human life as compared to the lower creation).
"Lawlessness" (The lawless spirit is at work today, even in the Lord's church. This presentation presents the teaching of the Bible on the subject of lawlessness. This material is designed to be a two part presentation).
"Mary Magdalene and the Da Vinci Code" (There is a growing fascination with Dan Brown's, "The Da Vinci Code." This sermon explores the movement. See also complete material in the Archives of Bible Truths pertaining to this movement).
"Must I?" (This presentation seeks to promote the attitude of "may I?" rather than "must I?" It is basic and designed to be motivational in its effect).
"God's Mindfulness of Man" (Man's physical, social, spiritual, and eternal needs are observed and it is noticed how God satisfies these essential needs).
"Moses - Refused Entrance" (The twenty-three slides comprising this PowerPoint presentation stressed the matter of Bible authority).
"The Purpose of Man" (This is a study primarily of Ecclesiastes 12: 13, 14. It addresses and answers the reason why man is on this earth).
"Matthew 18: 15-17, the Ploy of False Teachers" (Jesus' teaching regarding the sinned against and protocol has been terribly misused by false teachers to argue that unless they are personally approached, they cannot be exposed and challenged. Some even say that based on Matthew 18: 15-17, the accuser and they must be part of the same local church; otherwise, they must be allowed without challenge to teach their doctrines).
"The Book of Micah" (This is a two part study of Micah. The sermons emphasize that while written about three thousand years ago, the teaching is very relevant).
"The Model Audience" (Cornelius and those associated with him not only unmistakably opened the door to the Gentiles, but also constitute a wonder and exemplary audience in terms of attitude and response to the gospel).
"Must, Some Important Classifications" (Having attempted to study and teach Greek for many years, I never cease to be amazed at all the nuance observed in the words comprising the vocabulary of the Greek New Testament. I have made, I think, this study simple enough that all can deliver it and the average audience can benefit from it. This material is designed for a series of two presentations).
"Under Scriptural Obligation to Marry" (Many in the American society have forgotten about morals involving marriage. This sermon revisits some biblical truths concerning which we need to be reminded).
"Moral Law and Fornication" (This material examines the concept of "moral law" and then considers what the Bible teaches about fornication. There is also material on both "Moral Law" and "Fornication" for further study. This is a series of about six presentations).
"Must We Divide Over Every Issue?" (Truth is presented as more important than anything else, even so called "unity." However, does every issue require division in the circumstance of disagreement? Those who faithful preach and practice the truth are often accused of believing that division is always necessary.)
"Means Well, But" (There is really no mystery as to why many people fail in life. This study seeks to provide some of the answers so that these causes will not be allowed to cause us to fail).
"Nicodemus and the Samaritan Woman" (This is designed to be a two part presentation that examines Jesus' teaching especially pertaining to the Kingdom in the case of Nicodemus and the woman from Samaria).
"What does Nature Teach?" (This series of two examines Paul's statement in I Corinthians 11: 14. It is designed to be both spiritually and intellectually challenging.)
"Naaman the Leper" (There are many lessons observed in the case of Naaman the leper. This study presents these truths and shows them to be relevant to today).
"The Nurture and Admonition of the Lord" (This is a study and examination of Paul's teaching in Ephesians 6: 4).
"If thy Eye Offend Thee...." (This sermon clearly and emphatically illustrates the importance and pervasive nature of Jesus' teaching).
"The Need of Organization" (Many are wasting their lives and failing to realize their potential because of the lack of organization. Many churches are falling short of doing what they can and should because of the chaotic state that too often characterizes them. This material attempts to address and correct this common problem).
"One Versus More Than One" (This sermon has the potential for causing thought, both intellectually and practically, and, yet, it is very simply declares basic truths relative to Ephesians 4: 3-6).
"Obey the Gospel" (The expression, "Obey the gospel" is biblical and part of the vocabulary of the Holy Spirit. This study extracts lessons from the expression and compares this language with the language of denominationalism).
"The Circumstance of Poverty" (The Bible amazingly addresses just about every plight of man and provides some especially applicable teaching. This presentation considers the poor, their needs, temptations, and challenges. See also, "The Circumstance of Riches.").
"The Pulpit" (There is too much ignorance regarding pulpit teaching, its purpose and nature, and this material simply presents some basic Bible teaching relative to the pulpit).
"Polygamy and the Bible" (It is apparent for a number of reasons that tendency toward the approval and even practice of multiple concurrent marriages is going to become more of an issue for Christians as they deal with people. In fact, more religionists are now claiming that not only is polygamy not a sin, but that the Bible actually favorably presents multiple marriages today).
"What to Preach" (Many preachers have trouble coming up with a subject for a sermon and this can especially be the case relative to a series of "gospel meetings").
"The Support of Preachers" (This series is designed to be a definitive study of the financial support of preachers. Churches need to be educated in this often neglected area).
"That Which is Perfect" (Must rests on what "that which is perfect" in I Corinthians 13: 8-10 means. Many who are claiming the miraculous gifts of the Spirit today are attempting to change the meaning of the expression. This material explores what the expression means and the resultant consequences).
"The Leaven of the Pharisees" (Who were the Pharisees with whom Jesus frequently came into conflict? This presentation answers this question and exposes them for what they were, with present day application in mind).
"Privately Funded Orders to Preach the Gospel" (This study examines a growing issue among churches of Christ).
"Examining Pleasure" (The scriptures have a lot to say about pleasure, both from the positive and negative and this presentation considers some of the teaching).
"Parables, the Prompting Influence" (This presentation considers the impetus behind the parables of Jesus. Understanding the influence that caused the parable to be originally given tremendous assists in perceiving the real meaning of the parables).
"Parables, Missing the Meaning" (Many failed to grasp the real meaning of the parables as originally spoken by Jesus. Alas, not a few today have perverted Jesus' parabolic teaching. This sermon attempts to establish the real meaning of the parables reviewed).
"'Precious' in Peter's Epistles" (One modifier used in the vocabulary of First and Second Peter is the word "precious." This study explores the three different Greek words used and examines the associated points and truths presented by the Holy Spirit).
"Be at Peace Among Yourselves" (What the Bible teaches about unity is a great and important subject, always timely).
"The Writings of Paul" (Many in the religious world experience serious problems with the writings of the apostle Paul. This material takes a look at some of Paul's teachings and emphasizes that Paul was led by the Spirit it what he wrote).
"Balanced Preaching" (There is much said about "balanced preaching," however, I am afraid most have not given the expression serious thought).
"Pharaoh's Four Proposals" (While vastly removed from our time, a study of Moses and Pharaoh's proposals is very timely. This is because the devil follows the same basic methods of having his will today as he did from the beginning. In this lesson, we stress that there is no compromising with the devil).
"Obey and Obedience as Seen in Romans" (The Roman Epistle is considered by many denominationalists who hold to such doctrines as the imputation of Christ's righteousness as the stronghold for such doctrines as relieve man any responsibility to obey. This study takes a look at the vernacular of Romans relative to how "obey" and "obedience" are used).
"Upon this Rock I will Build my Church" (What was the rock, was it Peter? This sermon explores the Catholic notion that the church is build on Peter and presents many other truths concerning Jesus and his church).
"Rejoicing and Weeping with Others" (There is a great need for teaching that develops the proper attitude and relationship Christians are to have one with another. This material explores Paul's teaching found in Romans 12: 15).
"The Circumstance of Riches" (This material provides warnings and presents opportunities associated with affluence. It can be presented as a series along with, "The Circumstance of Poverty").
"Jesus' Relationship to the Law of Moses" (Most religionists operate under a misconception of Jesus' relationship to the Law of Moses. This presentation very simply sets forth Jesus' relationship to the Law).
"The Most Important Race" (The Bible is replete with examples to illustrate various truths. This study takes Paul's illustrations and allusions to the games and extracts lessons).
"Some Doctrines Taught in Romans" (This sermon is suitable for the introduction, review, or simply noticing what Paul's Epistle to the Romans teaches).
"There Remaineth a Rest for the People of God" (A study of the rest that God has arranged for his faithful is motivational in design).
"Religion and Politics" (There are many extremes regarding how the Christian should view religion and politics and this sermon attempts to present the correct stance).
"Revealing Exchanges on Romans 14" (Romans 14 is always one of the most often used text sited in an effort to effect spiritual and moral compromise. This study takes a look at some current views relative to Romans 14).
"Remembering the Basics" (We must ever keep in mind and from time to time revisit the basics that constitute pristine Christianity).
"Road Signs" (This material strives to motivate the hearer based on the simple example of informational road signs. There are spiritual road signs to which we also need to give attention, this is the aim of the lesson).
"The Truth about Sin" (Sin is presently glorified, but it is just as ugly and destruction today. This study biblically presents sin without apology).
"Secret/Revealed Things" (this is a study and application of Deuteronomy 29: 29. Many, it seems. confuse what is secret and what has been revealed).
""Why Some do not Stand" (there is no doubt or question as to the teaching of the Bible regarding standing for certain things; yet, so many do not. The question this study purports to answer is why is this the case).
"Why Paul was Successful?" (The example of Paul is one of success. We need to study the life and attitude of Paul and determine why he was so spiritually successful and mimic his example).
"The High Price of Sin" (In this sermon, the universality and expense involved in sin is examined and stressed).
"When He Saw...." (This presentation examines the expression, "...when he saw" and considers the associated truths).
"What Simon Saw" (Have you ever desired to have been present during the First Century, to have seen the miracles and heard the preaching of the gospel by Spirit prompted men? This presentation takes a look at what happened in one city when the gospel was preached through the eyes of Simon, Acts 8).
"Let These Sayings Sink Down Into Your Ears" (This is a study and illustration of Jesus' statement found in Luke 9: 44. The emphasis is listening carefully to what is taught in scripture).
"The Parable of the Sower and Excuses" (The Parable of the Sower is perhaps the most famous of all of Jesus' parable. Alas, the chief design is also very often missed. Jesus' obvious lesson is the parable is to present in visual terms the individual responsibility of man to make himself capable of receiving good seed. This PowerPoint presentation looks at likely excuses men will have for not receiving the word).
"The Fruit of the Spirit" (In addition to examining the nine fruits of the Spirit and their practicality in the life of the Christian, this study emphasizes that these fruit reveal the Spirit and stress the individuality and entity of the Spirit. The study also stresses the importance of the Spirit in this dispensation).
"The Snowball Effect of Sin" (Sin has a way of multiplying and increasing. This study illustrates how this is the case).
"Striving for Balance" (The scriptures teach the need for balance in preaching and in the life of the Christian. This PowerPoint presentation attempts to present this scriptural balance).
"The Seven Churches of Asia" (This presentation constitutes an overview of the seven churches addressed in Revelation chapters two and three).
"Second Timothy 3: 16, 17, the Scriptures" (These verses are key in possessing a good understanding of the design and functionality of God's word).
"Self-Control, a Forgotten Skill" (America has lost appreciation for self-control. The philosophy of, "If it feels good, do it" has become an actual movement).
"Once Saved, Always Saved" (This study examines the Calvinistic doctrine of once saved, always saved from a biblical perspective. There is material for two sermons).
"Jesus, the Son of God" (Not only do cults continue to deny the biblical Sonship of Jesus, but due to Modernism, a number within denominationalism are rejecting what the Bible teaches about Jesus' Sonship. This material is designed to be delivered in two presentations).
"The Support of Preachers" (This is a complete and detailed series relative to what the Bible teaches about the financial support of faithful preachers of the word. This presentation not only contains what the Bible teaches, but many have contributed to the study, drawing from a composite of many years of preaching experience).
"The Storms of Life" (The Bible is a book of realism. The truth is difficulties happen to all and this study provides needed insight as to how to endure these storms and even profit from them).
"What Saul Saw" (This is a simple study of what Saul or, as later known, the apostle Paul saw involved with his salvation and commission as an apostle. The study involves Acts 9, 22, and chapter 26).
"The Holy Spirit" (This is a detailed series on the Holy Spirit. This study covers about all aspect of the Spirit).
"Sign Religion" (Signs as observed along our nations highways make a statement and reveal much about current beliefs, values, and philosophies. This presentation examines one such sign).
"Speaking Things Which They Ought Not" (This sermon is based on Paul's statement in I Timothy 5: 13 and explores the improper use of the tongue).
"The Law of Silence, Under Attack" (There is much spiritual unrest, even in churches of Christ. This material examines what we call the "law of silence" in an effort to better respect Bible authority and arrive at the will of God).
"The Sermon on the Mount" (The greatest recorded sermon is deemed to be the Sermon on the Mount. This presentation by Jesus covers many themes and this PowerPoint presentation attempts to capture the thrust of the sermon. This is material for two presentations).
"The Twelve Spies" (Among many of the teaching circumstances residing in the Hebrew scriptures, the lessons involving the twelve spies is especially rich. This is a two part presentation).
"Salvaton and Salvationn" (There is nothing wrong with your vision or the spelling. This study considers how that when it comes to salvation, many omit parts of it and others add to what the scriptures teach. Hence, "salvaton" and "salvationn).
"Synthesis in Arriving at Truth" (The view that religion is unintelligent has resulted in many not learning the truth. Synthesis is valuable in establishing the truth, as seen in this sermon).
"Showed Him Openly" (In this study, the reality of Jesus' resurrection is considered, especially from the standpoint of His post crucifixion appearances).
"Save Yourselves" (If you are looking for a complete study and examination of Acts 2: 40, perhaps this PowerPoint presentation will satisfy your needs. Be sure to check the notes for a number of the slides (you can access the notes once you have downloaded the file to your computer).
"Divine and Self Keeping, Both" (Man seems to go from one extreme to the other in the matter of the biblical doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. This presentation seeks to provide the biblical balance and emphasizes both God and man in man's salvation and remaining saved).
"A Study of 'These'" (The usual Greek pronoun translated "these" is examined and it is shown how God is both specific and exclusive in his expressed will to man).
"What Time is It?" (One of the most often asked questions is, "What time is it?" This study takes the question and importantly applies and answers it).
"The Act of Trashing" (This is a rather strong sermon that stresses the terrible consequences of rejecting the truths found in the scriptures).
"The Transfiguration" (Sermons that stress the wonderful and singular nature of Jesus are always timely and this presentation considers the transfiguration found in Matthew 17).
"Teaching Things Which They Ought Not" (Many believe that it matters not what one believes or teaches just as long as one is sincere. This study challenges and refutes this modern thinking).
"Public Teachers" (This material was designed and delivered with the target of assisting the local church in their teaching efforts. There is material for two sermons.)
"The Raising of Lazarus" (This presentation is faith producing and examines the miraculous raising of Lazarus by Jesus).
"Truth, How Much?" (Many are vaguely familiar with such verses as John 8: 32 ("Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"). However, many do not appreciate the requisite full extent of truth.
"Corinth and Unity-in-Diversity" (The Corinthian church is often proposed as a model for unity-in-diversity. It is believed that God simply accepted the church at Corinth regardless of the prevailing sins. Hence, we do not need to be so concerned today regarding doctrinal and moral purity).
"The Unmerciful Servant" (So many who forgiveness but they are unwilling to forgive, even matters comparatively smaller. This sermon examines such in a study of the "Unmerciful Servant" of Matthew 18).
"Things Which Prevent Unity" (There are many matters that preclude biblical unity and this sermon attempts to identify them for the purpose of avoiding them).
"Things Which Unite" (This study is a positive approach to, "Things Which Prevent Unity" and I use it as a follow up).
"Teaching and Visual Aids" (This presentation pertains to the matter of the correct and biblically harmonious way to use visual aids to present the gospel).
"A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" (Jesus' warning in Matthew 7: 15 needs to be stressed today to avoid further religious apostasy. This study offers ways of identifying the wolfs among God's people).
"Spiritual Warfare" (There continues to be a war over two of the great forces known, good and evil. This presentation seeks to demarcate good and evil and show the greater power of good).
"The Word of..." (There are many key words and phrases in the vernacular of the Holy Spirit. "The word of..." is one of these informative phrases).
"The Act of Writing" (The preacher has as one goal causing his audience to think and consider. Such is the manifest design of this presentation).
"Matters of Great Worth" (Many today need some guidance in prioritizing the various values. This study presents some matters that are of great comparative worth).
"The World Wide Web" (The Internet and/or World Wide Web has great potential, but also a propensity for evil. This material attempts to cover the good and the bad regarding the Internet).
"The New World Order" (There is much change today and many are unaware of it. These sermons, two, challenges the audience to consider a movement that seems to be gaining speed today, a movement that may very well affect all of us).
"A Study of Whole" (In this study, we look at how the Holy Spirit used the word "whole" to inculcate spiritual truths).
"Walk in the Light" (This material easily adapts to a series of two presentations. It is a complete study of I John 1: 3-7).
"Warriors for Jesus" (This sermon, material for a series of two) challenges the passivity so common today, even in the Lord's church and points out that Christians are to be militant and aggressive for the cause of Christ). Instead of ignoring doctrinal issues, warriors for Jesus expose them).
"The Bible and Works" (It would be hard to find a subject more misunderstood that the subject of "works" from a biblical perspective. This study approaches the subject with emphasis on what the Bible totally teaches).
"Widows and Church Versus Individual Action" (This is a detailed series of an often misunderstood study. The material teaches the uninformed and reminds the knowledgeable regarding a recurring issue in many churches of Christ).
"Why People Believe What They Do" (It is important that we understand why people believe as they do, especially in the matter of religion).
"Ye Would Not" (Free moral agency is a biblical fact and seen in many teaching circumstances. This sermon presents instances of man having a choice and electing not to do God's bidding).