Science Reveals God


      As a rule, when God and science are mentioned together, it is either in an effort to disprove God or science. There are admittedly contradictions between God and science, especially modern, pseudo science (I Tim. 6: 20, KJV). In this material, though, we want to briefly examine how true science actually reveals God and certain truths about God (as taught in God’s word). Of course, in an absolute sense, there is no empirical evidence (test tube) that God exists. (It is also a fact, however, that "science" does not require empirical proof for all scientific tenets.) For instance, "no man has seen God" (I Jn. 4: 12). God is invisible and intangible (Rom. 1: 20, Jn. 4: 24). Hence, we approach God "by faith" (Heb. 11: 6, Gen. 1: 1). However, there is scientific proof that God exists (not to exclude faith): a case in point being creation implies a Creator. Let us now notice some revealing truths about God from science itself.

     Biogenesis – attests to life begets life. This may sound shocking to some but true science rejects the hypothesis that "life came from nothingness." The scientific law of biogenesis requires life begetting life. According to the Genesis’ account of creation, God was the present and active force behind all creation (Gen. 1: 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, 29). Notice the repeated occurrence of "and God said…." The particulars and sequence of the Genesis’ account agrees with established science. Thus, all who subscribe to the tenets of Darwinian evolution (life came from nothingness) are not scientific.

     Paleontology – witnesses the validity of the Genesis’ account. When we refer to paleontology we are alluding to the fossil record. If some were not so closed minded, they would appreciate that the biblical account of creation and the science of paleontology are in harmony. For instance, there is a mixture of the simple and the complex (Gen. 1: 1, 2 "without form," 3-25, and earth with all the complexities, consummating in man, vss. 21, 27).

     In the account of creation, life suddenly appears, fully formed (Gen. 1: 20, 21, 24, 27, 28). Paleontology also teaches the sudden introduction of mature life. There is no intimation of gradation, either in Genesis or the fossil record. Life was created mature and ready to reproduce (ibid.).

     In this same vein, the record in Genesis explains why there are no transitional forms (a tadpole developing into man, i.e., all the progressive developmental stages...). The fossil record also presents evidence consistent with Genesis – no transitional forms.

     Just think how the Genesis’ flood would have and did impact the fossil record (Gen. 7; 8). You would have universal fossil evidence of life forms being suddenly fossilized, often in stratum of dense mud, rock, and/or ice. Paleontology reveals fossil facts that are consistent and corresponding to the effects of the Genesis’ flood. Indeed, there is undeniable paleontological evidence of severe geological, atmospheric, and hydrological changes to the earth – just as would have been produced by such a great catastrophe as the flood described in Genesis chapters seven and eight.

     Thermodynamics – a running down process. In common parlance, science indicates the universe did not evolve and continue to improve, but rather the converse. To advance organic evolution is to contradict this scientific second law of thermodynamics. The truth of the Bible is that there is a "running down" of the universe (Heb. 1: 10-12).

     The law of genetics – informs us of order. There is order and perpetuity of life in the biblical account of creation. Notice how each was to produce "after their own kind" (Gen. 1: 11, 21, 25). Science does not identify God, but it does necessarily imply God. A man, any man, or group of men, would have been totally beyond known contemporary science, irreconcilably beyond, I might add, (contemporary to the writing of Genesis) in setting forth all the creation information resident in the Genesis’ account. To believe that fallible man could have been responsible for the Genesis’ record is unimaginably ludicrous!

     Intelligent reader, biogenesis tells us life begets life, paleontology confirms the account in Genesis, thermodynamics points to creation rather than organic evolution, and the science of genetics reveals some of the complexities and order of the introduction of life and its propagation.

     True science reveals the reality of God, but the Bible alone reveals the "person" of God the Creator and his will (see "The Godhead" in Great Truths and also "The Truth About Man," in Archives).