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Sermon Outlines (return to Site Map for PowerPoint)

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     Paul wrote, "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe" (I Cor. 1: 18, 21).  To the erudite Gentile, the gospel was foolishness, but preaching is the means God has chosen to save men.  "Preach the word," Paul enjoins on Timothy, "be instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine" (2 Tim. 4: 2).  Early on, I learned to maximize my work.  In this case, the fuller or expanded version of these outlines are found in the Archives of Bible Truths as articles. 

     There are different types of sermons, however, preaching must be intelligible to the audience.  One of the best ways to make preaching understandable is to have the sermon itself organized; hence, the sermon outline.  The sermon outlines contained herein are of the topical type (for Christian and non-Christian).  There is a place for all types, the expository and inferential can certainly have advantages over the topical approach, depending on the circumstances and need. However, the topical lends itself to a broad assimilation and presentation of a given subject.  Since the topical is not restricted to a given text, the topical can be abused and used to teach error with perhaps greater ease than some of the other sermon types.  However, this danger does not negate the practicality of the topical sermon outline.

     It is ideal that you employ visual aids in your presentations.  Though most of the outlines you will encounter herein were originally preached with visual aids, I have elected not to include them alone with the outlines.  I would, though, encourage you to create your own.   The overhead projector is a good visual aid.  You can use your imagination in creating transparencies, be they produced by Power Point or what ever source to enhance these sermons. (I am pleased to announce that I have now published to Bible Truths a PowerPoint sermon section.  These PowerPoint sermons attempt to first be scriptural and then visually practical.  Look through the many below outlines and then be sure to check out the PowerPoint sermons addition.  To visit this section, simply click on PowerPoint Sermons.  The PowerPoint Sermons addition is being consistently increased as to the number of presentations). 

     These sermons outlines and PowerPoint sermons have come from a number of sources.  Many of them are original.  Some that I may consider original were, no doubt, influenced by external sources I can not even recall.  The graphics in the PowerPoint sermons are either original, from a public domain, or used with permission. 

     These outlines and PowerPoint sermons are not meant to spare the preacher from his work.  They are only designed to assist and augment. There are two basic types of outlines found in this sermon collection (below).  The first part consists of full and detailed outlines.  These can also serve as a commentary.  The second part are more skeletal in nature (there is a divider below).   This second part might be what you would want for a short lesson or an outline that allows you more input and development.  In fact, I have left some areas of the outlines incomplete and inferential, so as not to inhibit your own style and thinking. I shall maintain as simple formatting as possible.   You will probably want to copy and paste the outline to your word processor to print out.  In this setting, you can make any changes in font, style, or outline structure you desire.

     Do not ever under estimate the power of preaching.  A few years ago I had a preacher approach me whom I did not recall having met.  He reminded me of a meeting I had held many years before.  He said he was a member (young man at the time) and that that meeting (preaching) was the reason he was preaching.  We often do not realize how the word is influencing people's hearts and lives.  Take preaching seriously because it is the most serious and important work a man can do.  Be sure, also, to live what you preach (Rom. 2: 1-3).  If you would like to study more about preachers and preaching, go to the Site Map page and click on "Archives and Index" in the table, when on the Archives page, click on "The Clergy" located in the Subject Index box on the Archives page.  Let me know if this material is of help to you.  If there are requests, I shall publish many more.  (Email Don Martin)

Index of sermon outlines

(New material is being added)


"John 3: 16, A Great Statement"  (This sermon outline is basically an exegesis of John 3: 16.  This material is a more serious look at the verse than is usually the case).

"The Modern Family"  (This sermon presents to the audience some sobering and sad facts about the modern family.  It also teaches what the Bible says about the family).

"The Six Days of Creation" (This outline examines the six days of creation from the standpoint of determining if they were twenty-four hour solar days or if each day represented an age or period of time.  The day-age view is becoming more popular, even in the Lord's church.  Could each day stand for age?)  

"From Here to There"  (This material addresses how people can progress and regress as well, both positive and negative examples, material for two sermons.)

"Abortion, the Scourge of America" (This outline does not "pull any pouches," but plainly addresses the shameful practice of legalized murder in America.  There are also external and internal links located in the addendum regarding abortion that contain a wealth of information to assist you in your presentation of this material).

"The Battle of Armageddon" (In light of the problems in the Middle East, many now believe the physical blood bath they call Armageddon is now at hand.  This material considers the biblical battle of Armageddon.)

"How about the Community Church Movement?" (One of the fastest growing religious movements today is the Community Church Movement.  This sermon takes a look at the movement and compares it to the scriptures). 

"The Justification of Man" (One of the greatest Bible subjects is that of man's justification.  This outline presents the Bible's teaching on this basic and necessary subject). 

"A Study of Islam" (Beginning with the terrorist attack September 11, 2001, there has been growing interest regarding Islam, especially relative to the official Islamic position pertaining to holy wars.  This material can be used in a series of sermons that stress Bible authority, the supremacy of Jesus, and the potential dangers of Islam).

"The Historicity of Jesus" (This sermons attempts to prove from secular history that there was such a man as Jesus who lived.  This sermon is important because of the growing "mythical Jesus" Movement).      

"The Animals and Noah's Ark"  (There are attacks on the Bible today such as I have never seen.  Skeptics endeavor to find something whereby they can offer to suggest the Bible is inaccurate.  This sermon takes a more serious look at the Ark, from the standpoint of the animals.  The material disproves the charge the Bible is untrustworthy because all the animals of the world could not have been placed in the Ark).

"An In-depth Study of 'Church'"  (This is material for two sermons pertaining to the conceptual idea of "church" as seen in the scriptures). 

"A Look into the Occult" (This sermon seeks to simply but definitively show what the occult is and that the Bible condemns the world of the occult).

"Directing Prayer to Jesus" (There is a growing movement within churches of Christ to advocate and practice prayer to Jesus.  This material, a series, examines the biblical teaching of prayer). 

"The Role of Women in the Church"  (There are drastic changes underway in religion relative to the role of women in the church.  This material looks at the teaching of the Bible, both regarding women and the collectivity and pertaining to the distributive use of "church").    

"Agents Involved in Man's Justification"  (This study attempts to analyze and illustrate the great subject of justification by establishing some agents that are instrumental in effecting man's acquittal).

"'Radical Restoration,' a Review" (This sermon consists of a review of F. LaGard Smith's book, "Radical Restoration."  As hard to believed as it is, Smith's Radical Restoration is already dividing some churches of Christ.)    

"Point in Time"   (A study of the emphasis the Bible places on time and how man errs grievously on occasion because he does not recognize Bible time.  The material deals with death, life, salvation, and the inception of the Kingdom).

"Cohabitation" (Many are justifiably concerned about the growing trend in America regarding couples living together out of wedlock.  This sermon explores this concern and considers the biblical teaching).   

"The Flesh" (This is a simple and yet profound study of the flesh, sarx.  This material seeks to accurately present the truth and expose Calvinism as well as some views in the church of Christ.  There is material for at least two sermons). 

"Is 'church of Christ' Scriptural?"  (All who are cognizant of movements know that there is a Community Church Movement underway that is now affecting churches of Christ.   This outline examines one often subtle nuance of this movement:  doing away with the designation "church of Christ).  

"A Study of the Kingship of Jesus" (Jesus is the centrality of Christianity.  This sermon endeavors to emphasize the present regality and majesty of Jesus by presenting what the scriptures teach relative to Jesus' kingship). 

"Happiness" (Many are attempting to find happiness today but without success.  This study points people to true happiness and explains how it is secured).

"Justification, Paul and James" (Many view Paul and James' teaching on justification as contradictory, Rom. 4; Jas. 2.  This study explains and harmonizes the teaching of Paul and James).   

"The Earth"   (There is presently a lot of interest regarding the earth.  We even have a day officially set aside for the earth, "Earth Day."  This sermon addresses the earth, biblically).

"God's Providence and Joseph" (This is a detailed study of providence, as seen in the life of Joseph.  This outline is really designed to be a series of presentations).

"An Exegesis of I Corinthians Chapter Seven" (I Corinthians chapter seven has become the strong hold for a number of false doctrines regarding divorce and remarriage.  This outline leads the audience in an exegesis of the actual teaching of the chapter.   Such verses as 11, 15, 24, and 28 are viewed in their contextual setting for a better understanding.  It is recommended that the material be used in a series of sermons).

"The Matter of Profanity"  (This material looks at the growing trend in America regarding profanity and compares such with the teaching of the scriptures).

"Why Does Man Sin?" (Since the price of sin is so great, why really does man sin?   This outline provides reasons for sin).    

"How People View 'Church'" (This sermon considers the appeals of a successful church marketing magazine to determine how many view "church" in America today.   It also contrasts these appeals with the scriptures and offers a scriptural appeal). 

"Science Reveals God"  (This material addresses the scientific branches of biogenesis, paleontology, thermodynamics, and the law of genetics.  The sermon emphasizes how true science and the Bible are congruous).

"Hermeneutics" (This is both a common sense and scientific approach to the matter of serious Bible study.   The material also addresses the so called "new hermeneutic").   

"Where do the Gospels Belong?" (This study attempts to decide the placement of the Gospels, Law of Moses or Law of Christ.  This is a detailed study that should involve at least two presentations.  The material also looks at the real issue in the doctrine that "the Gospels are simply the Law of Moses," the real issue being the teaching of Jesus on marriage, divorce, and remarriage).

"A Study of 'Doctrine of Christ' in 2 John 9-11"  (There is a strong movement underway to limit "doctrine of Christ" in Second John 9 to simply and only the belief that Jesus came in the flesh.  This sermon analytically examines the phrase "doctrine of Christ" in its full setting to ascertain the meaning and consequent application.  There is material for several sermons or just one abbreviated presentation). 

"The Bible and Great Men" (This study disproves the statement that "great men of science and genius do not believe the Bible and that there is a God."  The sermon is elemental in that it seeks to establish basic confidence in the Bible).    

"How about Gambling?"  (Many Americans have accepted the white-wash job the gambling "industry" has performed.  Not only is gambling now accepted in society, gambling has become a major source of income for a number of States.  This sermon biblically addresses gambling).

"Lessons from the Seven Churches" (This is a study of the seven churches mentioned in Revelation chapters two and three.  Such a study should strengthen the local church.   There will probably be material enough for two sermons or more).

"God is no Respecter of Persons" (This material first establishes the biblical doctrine of no respect of persons with God and then examines basic and cardinal doctrines of the New Testament to determine consistency and harmony).   

"Upon this Rock"  (This sermon examines and illustrates Matthew 16: 18.  Jesus' deity is strongly accented).

"Is there no Protestantism Today?"  (The term "Protestant" originally pertained to protesting the perversions of the Catholic Church.  This sermon explores areas in which there should be protesting today).

"Predestination, God Versus Man" (This outline presents the teaching of the Bible regarding predestination in contrast to predestination as advocated by Augustine and John Calvin.)

"Creation, Genesis One and Two" (This is a detailed presentation not only of the creation account but also a harmony of Genesis chapters one and two.  The material without any deletion requires two pages front and back, using a twelve point font). 

"Strong Drink, a Major Cause of Grief" (This presentation consists of an exegesis of Proverbs 23: 29-35.  There is also material in the addendum relative to Hebrew and Greek words that are translated "wine" and pertinent information). 

"Capital Punishment" (There is no small amount of confusion today regarding what the Bible teaches regarding capital punishment).

"Baptism in the Name of Jesus" (Is baptism in the name of Jesus simply a formula that is to be said at the time of baptism or is there more involved?).

"Ancient Christianity" (This sermon takes the audience all the way back, past contemporary denominationalism, the Reformation, and Catholicism, to the Christianity of the First Century).

"The Spirit of Doubt" (The material attempts to motivate the audience into being confident, based on the certainty of the scriptures.  The primary impetus of the sermon is Luke 1: 4, "Know with certainty...").

"Covering Sin" (This outline explores both the positive and negative use of "cover sin" as found in the Bible.  The study illustrates our futile man's efforts to hide his sins are and how wonderfully God covers man's sins).  

"Scriptural Fellowship" (It would be difficult to find a biblical subject that has been more distorted by man.  This sermon outline presents the plain and simple truth about scriptural fellowship).

"Fellowship Matters and Questions" (This sermon practically approaches the fellowship matter and attempts to offer some probative questions both for the individual desirous of placing membership and the receiving church to ask). 

"Acts 2: 38 and 3: 19, a Comparison"  (This is a first principle sermon that explores, in some detail, the comparative teaching of Acts 2: 38 and 3: 19).

"Baptism, How, Who, Why, and When"  (This sermon addresses and answers the essential questions pertaining to water baptism).

"Church Membership" (In this sermon, the matter of the importance and nature of being a member of a faithful local church is explored). 

"The Bible and the Ice and Stone Ages"  (Since the Bible does not mention the Ice and Stone Ages, as such, some have concluded the Bible precludes these "periods" and any results caused by such conditions.  This sermon presents some biblical teaching some have not considered).

"Book, Chapter, and Verse Preaching"  (Preaching is vital to the stability and direction of God's people.  This sermon explores the trend to move away from book, chapter, and verse preaching.  It also examines the type preaching characteristic of the First Century).

"Possibilities Regarding Truth" (Truth is just as essential to Christianity as love.  This sermon presents from the scriptures some of the most common positions and postures people assume relative to truth).

"A Study of the Society System" (This is a mature study of the local church and societies.   It goes beyond the issue of church funded societies and addresses individually funded societies that are doing the work of the local church.  This is an area of little study and an even less amount of preaching). 

"The Holy Spirit" (The Spirit is a being, He has specific work assigned to Him, He empowered many in the early church, and the indwelling are matters of focus in this sermon outline).

"Accomplishments of Jesus" (One can not preach too many sermons that emphasize the greatness of Jesus.  This material stresses Jesus' greatness through his unique accomplishments).

"Jesus' Lordship" (Jesus is usually thought of in terms of Savior.  However, Jesus is also Lord.  This sermon presents the Lordship of Jesus with all of its requisites).

"What is Biblical Love?" (There is no small amount of misunderstanding about biblical love and this sermon addresses this matter and presents biblical love). 

"Forgiveness of Sin" (This outline involves an in-depth study of forgiveness.   Particularly addressed are God's forgiveness of man's sins; man's forgiveness of man's sins in general; and man's forgiveness in cases of personal offence).

"Have Miracles Ceased?" (This outline is full and detailed.  It is designed to provide a complete study of miracles, their duration).

"Rules for the Family" (A study of six basic rules that are essential to a well functioning spiritual family).

"Romans Chapter 14"  (When there is an apostasy, Romans 14 is an especially critical study.  This outline explores the chapter and results in certain necessary conclusions).

"The Particulars of Romans 14" (Some are attempting to place just about every imaginable particular into the climate of Romans 14 and then demand that they be tolerated in the name of peace.  This sermon examines some of the criteria for considering an item). 

"Paul's Platform for Unity"  (This sermon shows how true unity can be obtained and maintained.  Ephesians 4: 4-6 is the focused on passage).

"The Life of the Christian"  (This material obviously teaches how the Christian is to live).

"The Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit"  (This outline leads the audience in a detailed study of the nine gifts of the Spirit that were enjoyed by many Christians in the First Century.  It also addresses the nature, design, and duration of these gifts).   

"Is Hell Simply Annihilation?"  (Many today are denying the plain teaching of the Bible regarding hell.  This sermon presents the Bible's teaching on this basic subject).

"Sin"   (What is sin and what can be done about sin?  This sermon answers these basic questions and many others).

"The Apostles" (No serious study of Christianity is complete without a detailed study of the apostles).

"The Bible, the Light Source"  (This sermon is basic but essential to arriving at truth).

"The Kingdom"  (The outline presents the truth about God's Kingdom and challenges some of the extant errors).

"The Local Church, its Autonomy"  (One obvious feature of the early local church was its autonomy.  This material addresses the church and its autonomy).

"The Devil" (To be successful in overcoming an enemy, one must understand the enemy.   This sermon outline helps you tell others about the devil in an organized and complete manner).

"The Truth about Angels" (This sermon takes a look at the relevant basics concerning angels:  their origin, organization, and function today.  Matters such as the "guardian angel" position and other considerations are examined).

"The Bible and Homosexuality"  (This sermon outline contains a plain and cogent presentation of biblical truths that relate to homosexuality).

"The Party Spirit" (There is a condition that many do not want to discuss.  Some even deny it exists.  I am referring to parties and factions within the body of Christ).

"The Covering" (This outline presents an organized study of I Corinthians 11: 3-16.   It attempts to answer such questions as, "must the woman be veiled in public worship today?")

"The Way Flourished"  (The gospel of the First Century experienced phenomenal growth, such as has never since been duplicated.  In what conditions was this growth realized?  This sermon addresses the circumstances and draws relevant conclusions and applications to God's people today). 

"The Worship of God"  (God is certainly deserving of man's worship, but what is worship and what kind of worship does God desire?).

"A Look at the Herald of Truth" (The Herald of Truth is well known among many churches of Christ.  In fact, the Herald of Truth is in the budget of thousands of local churches.  This sermon presents factual information about the Herald of Truth and compares its existence, nature, and operation with the scriptures).

"A Study of Institutionalism and Church Supported Orphanages" (This is a detailed study of the development of institutionalism within churches of Christ).    

"What Prayer Will and Will Not Do"  (Prayer is one of the greatest privileges the Christian has.  However, we must understand the design of prayer in order to benefit from it).

"The Inspiration of the Scriptures" (In view of the advancement of modernism, much emphasis needs to be placed on the inspiration and reliability of the scriptures.   This sermon outline and the immediately following pertain to the Bible and its reliability).

"The Use of Religious Titles" (This sermon addresses the matter of the common religious titles used by "the clergy").

"The Development of the Bible" (This material explores and reveals how the Bible came to be).

"A Study of the text of the Bible" (In this study, we take a more serious look at the original texts comprising the Bible).

"The Translating of the Bible" (This sermon outline takes a more detailed look at the work of translating the scriptures). 

"The Bible, Cain, and Mrs. Cain"  (Man is forever asking where did Cain find his wife.   This outline focuses on this repeated question.  It also attempts to show how man is often prejudice  and draws premature conclusions when it come to the Bible).

"Man, His Origin, Fall, and Redemption"  (A serious look at man from a biblical perspective).

"How about Baptism by Proxy?"  (This is a study of I Corinthians 15: 29.  Baptism by proxy is shown to not be an allowed understanding of I Corinthians 15: 29 and some plausible views are offered).

"The Bible and Theistic Evolution"  (The more subtle version of evolution is theistic evolution.  More, even in the church, are subscribing to theistic evolution.   This sermon challenges theistic evolution). 

"Jesus' Church"  (This sermon shows how to identify the Lord's church out of all the thousand extant religions.  It also stresses the importance of Jesus' church.   There can be material for a series, depending on your needs).

"The Miracles of Jesus" (This sermon presents a detailed presentation of Jesus' miracles.  There is material for at least two sermons.  This outline can be also used in concert with "Have Miracles Ceased?").

"God's Wonderful Grace"  (This sermon presents the good news of God's marvelous grace, without which no man could be saved).

"The Age of the Earth"  (Do we really know the age of the earth?  This outline attempts to answer this question).

"The Kind of Unity Jesus Practiced and Taught" (The unity often mentioned today often does not even resemble the unity that Jesus taught and practiced.  This sermon takes a serious look at Jesus' direct teaching on the matter of unity.) 

"Jesus' Teaching Regarding Division"  (This outline stresses some aspects of division that are not often included in a study of this nature).

"God's Love for Man"  (The material in this sermon addresses one of the most profound subjects in the Bible, God's love).

"Jesus' Second Coming"  (This outline discusses the certainty, manner, time and purpose of Jesus' coming).

"Seven Bible Crowns" (This material offers an opportunity for a simple study that is motivational in nature). 

"Evolution, an Empty Philosophy" (Darwinian evolution cannot intelligently and with any hope discuss man's origin, purpose, and destiny.  This study exploits the basic weakness of evolution and offers hope through the gospel and man's Creator and sustainer.)

"Modern Forms of False Christianity" (This outline illustrates some of the more popular forms of false Christianity.  It is simple; yet, effective in teaching a number of first principle truths.)

"Some Designations Applied to the Holy Spirit" (There is no small amount confusion relative to the Holy Spirit, his nature and work.  This study seeks to biblically present the Holy Spirit based on designations that are applied to Him.)

"The Blood of Christ" (This material establishes some of the accomplishments of Christ's precious blood.  It also shows how we contact or access Jesus' blood.)


     The following outlines are simpler and more skeletal in nature.  They lend themselves well to shorter lessons or to change and development:

"What Happens After Death?"  (This is a question everyone should ask.  If Jesus does not return first, all men shall die, Heb. 9: 27). 

"Acts 2, Analyzed" (This outline is a succinct look at Acts 2, including a breakdown of the sermon recorded in verses 14-40).

"What Does the Holy Spirit Do Today?" (There are basically two extremes extant regarding the work of the Holy Spirit.  One view has the Spirit performing acts that are not taught in the word; the other extreme has the Spirit totally inactive today.  This material presents the actual work of the Spirit today).

"Why does God Allow Trials?" (This outline addresses this often asked question and endeavors to provide biblical answers to the question).

"The Truth about Fear" (This is a study about a common human emotion, fear.  The study is designed to cause the audience to think about fear and use this emotion has God intended).

"The Church Sacraments" (We hear about the Seven Church Sacraments, but what are they and what does the Bible actually teach about "Church Sacraments"?)      

"God and Abomination"  (A short study of how "abomination" is used in the Bible.  The outline stresses that these sins (said to be an abomination) are especially repulsive to God).

"Women in the Assembly" (This material engages in an exegesis of I Corinthians 14: 34 to determine the scope of the teaching of the verse regarding women in the assembly). 

"Jesus' Atoning Blood" (Without Jesus' blood all men would be hopelessly lost.  This study briefly examines what the scriptures teach relative to the blood of Jesus).

"The Bible and Grudges" (This study deals with a common problem:  those who have been sinned against and their attitude toward the sinning brethren).

"What Does the Bible Say About Peter?"  (Was Peter the first Pope or was he rather a man whom God used, long with others, as one of the apostles for the early church?).     

"An Examination of Galatians" (The six chapters of the book of Galatians are replete with rich teaching, especially concerning the Law of Moses.  This outline presents Galatians and stresses the applicability of the epistle to present day applications).

"A Look at the Modern Dance" (Pulpit preaching is often leaving out sermons regarding the modern dance.  Be assured, the dance continues to be a temptation for our young people, especially in view of peer pressure).

"The Bible and Motherhood"  (Motherhood as experienced in a biblically oriented marriage is the primarily fulfillment of the very basic design of woman.  This sermon addresses the matter of motherhood).

"The Bible and Fatherhood" (Out of all the roles a man may fulfill in the course of his life, fatherhood is the most cherished.  This study attempts to stress both the joy and the responsibility of fatherhood).     

"The Christian and Tobacco" (Ignoring the many health warnings that have been issued, many continue to use tobacco.  Smoking among some groups has actually increased!   This skeletal outline succinctly presents a biblical perspective relative to such tobacco use among Christians).

"How to Overcome Procrastination" (Procrastination or putting things off is one of the biggest problems facing many.  This sermon addresses this problem and provides some solutions).

"The Sponsoring Church Arrangement" (This material addresses a growing denominational practice among some churches of Christ of appointing a single local church with its elders to oversee the work of numerous local churches).     

"Religion and Civil Government" (We hear a lot today about religion and government.   This study briefly looks at what the Bible says about civil government).

"An Examination of Perseverance" (It is obvious to the Bible student that there is great emphasis placed on steadfastness in the Bible.  This outline examines the teaching regarding perseverance).

"How about Tithing?" (Many religions today teach and bind tithing.  This outline looks at what the New Testament teaches about giving).

"The Book of James" (This outline examines the Book of James, especially from the standpoint of the claim that the book is not inspired.  The study emphasizes the rich and practical teaching found in the short but cogent Epistle of James).        

"The Gospel and Eating Disorders"  (This gospel not only addresses such extremes as anorexia and gluttony, but emphasizes the scope of the gospel).

"What is Biblical Peace?"  (Man seeks peace, but often the wrong kind and in the wrong places.  This simple sermon offers biblical peace, the only real peace).    

"Is the Bible for Man Today?"  (This outline asks and answers a question that many have today).

"The Book of Ecclesiastes" (The book of wisdom are essential for the impartation and acquisition of practical knowledge.  This study introduces Ecclesiastes).

"Were Mary and Joseph Married?"  (More people today are attempting to present Mary and Joseph as not married when Jesus was born.  This study addresses the marital status of Mary and Joseph and mentions the growing problem of people just living together outside of marriage). 

"The Great Commission"  (The Great Commission is actually the beginning of Christianity.  An understanding of the Great Commission is essential to understanding Christianity).

"The Christian is not to be Unequally Yoked" (Failure to apply 2 Corinthians 6: 14 and when applied, to apply it in a way Paul did not intend is common.  This outline attempts to establish the intended application).

"Christ and the Law of Moses"  (There is no small amount of confusion regarding Christ and the Law of Moses.  This sermon addresses the matter and answers many questions).

"An Examination of Earrings and Body Piercing" (Many styles have been introduced into our society.  Earrings on males and body piercing on male and female is becoming common.  What should the Christian think regarding these styles?)

"The Bible and Entertainment" (This presentation endeavors to help the Christian decide about the kind of entertainment in should elect).

"Envy, a too Common Motivator" (Envy is very common and often serves as the prompting for many different actions.  This study attempts to define, illustrate, and challenge envy).

"God's Calling"  (This outline covers the fact of God's calling, to what are men and women called, and the nature of this calling).

"A Brief Overview of Church History" (This outlines succinctly presents the beginning, falling away, and restoration of the Lord's church).

"Does the Bible Teach Eternal Security?" (This material seeks to balance out the issue of eternal security and avoid extreme views).

"The Bible and Anger" (Anger is often a misunderstood emotion.  This study presents the truth regarding anger, both from the positive and the negative).   

"Messianic Prophecies"  (There are many prophecies regarding Jesus' birth, his life, and his death.  This sermon briefly leads the audience in an exploration of these).

"Some Obligations to Truth" (This presentation attempts to emphasize the value of the truth and man's obligations to the truth).

"The Matter of Temperance" (Temperance is noticeably lacking today regarding many.  This study encourages the acquiring of temperance). 

"The Bible and Friendship" (Many problems are experienced because of "friendships."  This study briefly examines what the Bible says about friendship, including the greatest friendship of all:  Jesus Christ).

"Church Benevolence" (What role and responsibility the local church has in the area of benevolence is a neglected study.  This outline presents the teaching of the scriptures regarding this particular facet of the functioning of the local church).

"What does the Bible Teach about Dating?" (This outline addresses a needed look at dating in America).

"The Perfect Will of God" (Paul affirmed that the will of God is perfect, Rom. 12: 2.   This study seeks to illustrate the perfect will of God).   

"Did Jesus Practice Tolerance?" (Too often only a shallow consideration is given to such a question.  This outlines briefly answers the question and endeavors to make present day application).

"Why is the Latter End Worse?" (This sermon briefly explores Peter's statement in 2 Peter 2: 20 about the latter state of the apostate being worse than before he became a Christian.   The study attempts to offer motivation for growth and the avoidance of falling away from Christ). 

"The Matter of Blood Transfusions" (This outline explores biblical teaching and principles to ascertain if blood transfusions are necessarily wrong.)

"The Baptism of the Holy Spirit" (Many believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit was a common occurrence in the First Century.  In fact, many religionists teach that the baptism of the Spirit was involved in every case of salvation.  This study considers these matters).

"Apollos" (Most people enjoy character studies.  In fact, such a study can often be informative and motivational.  Apollos had many admirable traits, as this sermon reveals).

"Religious Fasting" (Some contend that fasting is required of the child of God.  Others maintain the Bible does not teach fasting in any sense.  This outline briefly explores the subject of fasting from a biblical perspective).   

"Discipleship"   (What is real discipleship and what does discipleship involve?  These question are answered in the outline).

"Why was the Prophet Killed?"  (The emphasis of this outline is to stress implicit obedience to God, regardless of circumstances).

"Two Inescapable Appointments"  (We should all be appointment conscious.   This sermon presents two appointments that we shall keep). 

"The Conscience" (While the conscience is intangible, the Bible does teach regarding man's conscience).

"If Jesus had not Died"  (This sermon approaches the accomplishments of Jesus' death from the negative).

"The Age of Accountability" (Since sin is not inherited, when does a young person become responsible to God?   This outline attempts to offer some guidelines to determine the age of accountability in given cases).

"Cornelius and Prayer"  (Many believe God hears and answers in general all prayer.   This study examines the scriptures regarding those whom God hears.  It also attempts to qualify and offer some needed explanation).

"Is 'Church of Christ' Scriptural?"  (This study is especially germane in view of the movement within some churches of Christ to abandoned the designation "church of Christ").

"Jesus' Biography" (This outline presents the greatest biography that there has ever been.) 

"The Bible and Drugs" (Are "recreational drugs spiritually and morally indifferent or does the Bible condemn them?).

"What is Fornication?" (This material seeks to carefully document the meaning of fornication as taught in the Bible).

"How about Suicide?"  (This sermon biblically explores one of the major causes of the unnatural ending of human life.  It also offers hope to the despairing.)

"Why are Christians so Militant?"  (Just a cursory examination of First Century Christians reveals the fact they were militant.  The question answered in this outline is why were they so aggressive when it came to the gospel.)

"Why Bring Jesus Back to Earth?"  (This outline was adapted from God's Prophetic Word, pg. 193 and addresses the very heart of Premillennial teaching.)

"The Matter of Zeal"  (The Christian must have the impetus to carry out God's commands.   This outline emphasizes the eagerness and fervor that must characterize the Christian.)

"The Gospel and Dignity" (This study explores the basic nature of the gospel.  It challenges the too often denominational climate of frivolity.) 

"What are some Lessons in Revelation?" (This inferential outline seeks to show there are many practical truths found in the book of Revelation.  It also issues a warning regarding the symbolic language found in Revelation and how it can be abused.)

"Astrology, a False Hope" (Many are serious believers in modern Astrology.  This sermon presents several succinct biblical truths that refute the claims and hopes of Astrology and places the emphasis on trust in God and his providence.)  

"The Bible and Numbers" (There is much fascination today with numbers.  Some have developed a controlling religion by the abuse of certain numbers mentioned in the Bible.   This material takes a look at some recurring numbers).

"What Does 'Not Under Bondage' Mean?"  (This outline presents an exegesis of I Corinthians 7: 15.  It also states the popular views regarding the verse).

"What is the Remedy for Discontentment?"  (Many Americans have more material things they than ever had; yet, discontentment is almost a pandemic in this country.  What is the answer?  The outline provides the answer.