These are some of the most often asked questions about our current truth |
Question: Why must you deal with so many issues? (Be sure to first read "Current Truth".)
Answer: If one sought to eliminate chapters and books of the Bible based on issues that are mentioned, there would not be but a small amount of scripture remaining.
Question: Does it sadden you that there are so many divisive issues regarding the Lord's Supper?
Answer: Very much so. I teach on these issues in an effort to educate and thus obviate many of the issues and encourage unity.
Question: How common is your position regarding the presence of the assembly when partaking of the Lord's Supper?
Answer: I am afraid that I cannot answer this question. However, we do not determine truth by how many or who holds what particular view. I say this knowing that I am not in possession of the reason for the asking of the good question.
Question: Are you willing to debate or engage in an religious exchange in regards to your teaching?
Answer: All things equal and understood, yes. I have been privilege to have over two hundred written exchanges with some of the leading thinkers (cp. Phili. 1: 7, 17).
Question: Would you be willing to debate a Catholic Priest regarding the Lord's Supper?
Answer: My first debate was with a Catholic Priest. I was nineteen.
Question: Why do you in your Current Truth quote from people whom you do not view as altogether teaching the truth?
Answer: As seen in Current Truth, I quote some to illustrate how the meal and the assembly have been historically controversial points of difference. I especially did this in view of, "Where do you come up with such, we never heard of it...."
Question: Where do you find your questions?
Answer: From many sources. I sometimes draw from fifty years of preaching and on occasion, I ask some to read my material and ask their questions, which I then use to augment my material.
Question: Do you enjoy dealing with issues?
Answer: I am not sure I would say I enjoy. I experience a tremendous sense of responsibility in dealing with issues. I have been told that I seem gifted in this regard and I humbly do the best I can. My desire is that such teaching will help others decide what they should believe.