The greatest domestic relationship man can have in this life is marriage.  God instituted marriage and he wants to tell us how to make it work.  To return to the Archives page, click here.    You may use "Edit/Find" to do a search on this page.   (Material constantly added.)

The Truth about Marriage

Same Sex Marriages

A Study of I Corinthians Chapter Seven

Matthew 5: 32 and Matthew 19: 9, a Study

Mark 10: 11, 12 and the Innocent Put Away Mate

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, Questions and Answers

Polygamy and the Bible

Fornication and Sexual Purity

Morally Obligatory Marriage

Marriage, Some Challenges

As the Twig is Bent

Marriage Annulment

The Modern Family

The Gospels, Old Law or Jesus' Law?

Abortion, the Scourge of America

The Truth about Woman

"Keepers at Home"

Church Weddings